Pets - RDTA

Pets are valued members of our community.

Keeping your pets (dogs and cats) contained is for their protention. Unfortunately, wild animals, such as coyotes, have killed several pets within the complex boundaries. Protect your special animal loved ones.

The Board of Directors has defined a "reasonable number" of pets as two. Following courtesy and common sense will maintain a safe and friendly environment for residents' pets and the humans in our complex.
  • Pet noise levels should be kept to a minimum.
  • Do not allow your dog to run loose in the Common Area. Dogs may be walked in the tract as long as they are on a leash. A dog run is located on the west side of the complex.
  • Leave your pets at home when you use the pool and tennis courts.
  • Please clean up after your pet. Besides being unsightly and smelly, animal waste can be hazardous to the health of our children who play in the community and other pets. Fecal matter is a common form of disease transmission between dogs. Carry a plastic bag with you to pick up waste and then dispose of it properly.

Orange County Animal Care Services

Orange County Animal Care Services is a division of Regulatory Health Services whose primary function is rabies prevention and protection of the public from animal related diseases. Animal Care Services provides pet licensing and patrol services. The Orange County Animal Care Center houses and provides medical care for impounded dogs, cats and exotic animals. Adoption services are also available.

Take a few moments to explore the valuable information available in their web site at dealing with:

We hope it never happens, but if your pet does become lost...let this website help you get the word out.

Contact the RDTA On-Site Liaison 714-779-2084 and

  • describe your pet
  • explain where the pet was lost
  • list a number to call with information.
We can post the information on the RDTA website home page - and send out an e-mail notice to alert residents. If you can e-mail a photo of your pet (or provide one to be scanned), this would be a valuable addition to the website appeal.


This may be an urban community, but there is wildlife that frequents our complex. Have you seen the ducks, racoons or coyotes? Unfortunately, some of our pets have been killed by coyotes. Please be alert, and do your part to discourage any further tragic consequences.

Keep all sources of food and water out of the yard. Keep trash lids secure.

Cats and small dogs are the most common coyote prey, so should not be allowed outside alone. Though coyotes generally hunt between sunset and sunrise, they will not pass up the opportunity for an easy meal. A small dog left in a backyard or walking just ahead of you (not on a leash) can be taken in a matter of moments.

Related Rules & Regulations . . .

  • No pets, bicycles, skateboards or metal objects allowed.
  • No pets are allowed in the tennis court area.

Related CC&Rs . . .


General Restrictions

Section 10. No animals, fowl, reptiles, insects or poultry shall be kept within Rancho Dominguez Townhomes, except that domestic reptiles, dogs, cats, birds and fish may be kept as household pets upon said property, provided that they are not kept, bred or raised thereon for commercial purposes or in unreasonable quantities. All dogs permitted to be kept by this Section shall be kept on a leash within Rancho Dominguez Townhomes when not within an enclosed area of a Unit.

© 2015 Rancho Dominguez Townhomes Association All rights reserved.
Material in this site is to enhance communication within the RDTA community.
The information in this site is not to be used as official rulings or documentation.