Fences and Patios - RDTA
Fences and

Important guidelines related to fencing and your private patio area.

Other than replacing a few plants, you need to get PRIOR approval of your landscaping plans by the Architectural Committee.

  • Fences between units are shared responsibility of the two homeowners.
  • End units have fences facing the Common Area that are the responsiblity of the Association.
  • Some units have low decorative fences at the front in the Common Area that are the responsibility of the Association.


  • Patio covers must remain within height limitations.
  • Homeowner must have detailed plans to submit to Architectural Committee for PRIOR approval.
  • Homeowner is responsible for future repair and maintenance.


  • Trees or other shrubbery in the patio area of any unit must be limited to a height no greater than the bottom of a second-story window. Keep this in mind when selecting which trees will be part of your landscaping plan.
  • Plants may not enchroach on Common Area or your neighbor's patio area.
  • Vines must not attach to any exterior building surfaces or Common Area fences.
  • Watch for drains when digging to install irrigation system.
  • Be aware of utility easement that runs between garage and unit. CC&Rs provide the location for your unit. (see below) You MUST NOT cover this easement area with any permanent material (such as concrete). This is for your safety and access for repairs to gas, electic and water lines.
Easement in patio area for Plan 1 - Silverado
Silverado 1

Easement in patio area for Plan 2A - Modjeska
Silverado 1

Easement in patio area for Plan 2B - Modjeska
Silverado 1

Easement in patio area for Plan 3 - Santiago
Silverado 1

There is NO easement in patio area for Plan 4 - Trabuco


  1. Trees or other shrubbery in the patio area of any unit must be limited to a height no greater than the bottom of a second-story window.
  2. Vines or climbing plants must not be allowed to attach to Association property, such as exterior walls of unit and garage.
  3. Trees, shrubs, or vines from one unit's private patio must not encroach on a neighboring unit's patio area.
  4. The Association reserves the right to enter a patio area to correct any situation where a tree or other growth is out of compliance or has been deemed a potential hazard, once the owner has received written notice and failed to correct the problem within thirty (30) days.
  5. Owners are responsible for damage caused by a tree, shrub or vine originating in their patio area.
  6. Activities that might damage the trees or shrubbery in the Common Area of the Association are not allowed. These activities present a potential for liability and may cause irreparable damage to the plants. The cost for repairing any damage caused by residents shall be an assessment levied against the owner's Association account.

Related CC&Rs . . .



The terms set forth hereinbelow in this Article I are defined, for purposes of this Declaration, as follows:

Section 9. "Condominium Building" shall mean and refer to a separate building containing one or more Units or elements of Units.

(b) "Patio" shall mean and refer to that portion of a Unit designed for use as a patio, and shall be identified on the Condominium Plan by a Unit number and the letter "B" and shall consist of the contiguous surfaces of any Common Area walls or fences, the surfaces of the walls of contiguous Condominium Buildings, with the upper and lower horizontal boundary of the Patio element being planes as shown on the Condominium Plan, and the space encompassed by all of the foregoing. In the event that the contiguous Common Area land or improvements do not completely enclose the Patio element, the remaining boundaries of the airspace contained within said Patio element shall be as delineated on the Condominium Plan.


Architectural and Landscaping Control

Section 1. Architectural Approval. No fence, wall, building, sign or other structure (including basketball standards), or exterior addition to or change or alteration thereof (including painting) or landscaping, shall be commenced, constructed, erected, placed, altered, maintained or permitted to remain on Rancho Dominguez Townhomes or any portion thereof, until plans and specifications shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by an architectural committee, initially to be appointed by the Declarant (the "Architectural Committee"). Said plans and specifications shall be prepared by a duly licensed architect or other person approved by the Architectural Committee and shall include, where appropriate, the following: (a) plot plans, showing the location of all structures and showing grade elevations and drainage; (b) building plans, including floor, foundation and roof plans, with all materials there-for; (C) exterior elevations, surfaces, and sections, structural design and salient exterior details; (d) general exterior color schemes; and (e) landscaping plans, showing type, location and elevation of trees, bushes, shrubs, plants, hedges and fences. All such plans and specifications shall be submitted in writing over the signature of the Owner of the property or such Owner's authorized agent. Approval shall be based, among other things, on adequacy of Site dimensions; adequacy of structural design and material; conformity and harmony of external design with neighboring structures; effect of location and use of improvements and landscaping on neighboring property, improvements, landscaping, operations and uses; relation of topography, grade and finished ground elevation of the property being improved to that of neighboring property; proper facing of main elevations with respect to nearby streets; preservation of view and aesthetic beauty with respect to fences, walls and landscaping; assurance of adequate access to the Association in connection with the performance of its duties and the exercise of its powers hereunder; conformity with such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Architectural Committee in accordance with this Article; and conformity of the plans and specifications to the purpose and general plan and intent of this Declaration. In any event, the Architectural Committee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to require any Member to remove, trim, top, or prune any shrub, tree, bush, plant or hedge which such Committee reasonably believes materially obstructs the view of any Residential Element. The Declarant shall not be required to comply with any of the provisions of this Section 1.


General Restrictions

Section 12. No weeds, rubbish, debris, objects or materials of any kind shall be placed or permitted to accumulate upon any property within Rancho Dominguez Townhomes which render such property unsanitary, unsightly, offensive or detrimental to any property in the vicinity thereof or to the occupants of any such property in such vicinity. Trash, garbage, rubbish and other waste shall be kept only in sanitary containers. All service yards or service areas, clothesline areas, sanitary containers and storage piles on any property within Rancho Dominguez Townhomes shall be enclosed or fenced in such a manner that such yards, areas, containers and piles will not be visible from any neighboring property or street. Sanitary containers may be set out for a reasonable period of time before and after scheduled trash pick-up times.

Section 17. All landscaping of every kind and character, including shrubs, trees, grass and other plantings shall be neatly trimmed, properly cultivated and maintained continuously by the Owner thereof, other than such landscaping, if any, within the Common Area maintained by the Association, in a neat and orderly condition and in a manner to enhance its appearance.

Section 23. (Revised by Amendment to CC&Rs August 20, 1979) No structural alterations to the interior of any Unit shall be made, nor shall any plumbing or electrical alteration within any bearing wall be made by any individual Owner without the prior written consent of the Architectural Committee.

Section 24. Each Owner shall, subject to the terms and provisions of this Declaration, including, but not limited to, those provisions pertaining to maintenance and repair by the Association and the Article hereof entitled "Architectural and Landscaping Control," and subject also to the terms and provisions of any Supplementary Declaration recorded in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article II hereof:

(e) Maintain all plants and other growing things placed or located within the nonresidential elements of his Unit, and such plants or other growing things shall be permitted to encroach into or onto the Common Area.

In the event such repair and maintenance are not so accomplished by any such Owner, the Association or its delegates shall have the right to enter, at reasonable times, the Unit to effect such repair, and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Owner of the Unit, and, if not paid in a timely manner, shall be a Special Assessment.


Duties and Powers of the Association

Section 1. General. In addition to the duties and powers enumerated in its Articles and By-Laws, or elsewhere provided for herein, and without limiting the generalities thereof, the Association shall:

(a) Own, lease, maintain, control and otherwise manage, or cause to be managed, in a neat, safe, attractive, sanitary and orderly condition, the Recreation Area (including, without limitation, any tennis courts, clubhouse, pools, playground equipment and cabanas), the Common Area (and any recreational areas tot lots, private streets and driveways, and all improvements, and facilities therein not otherwise specifically provided for in the Declaration) of each project within Rancho Dominguez Townhomes, with respect to the Recreation Area, all facilities, improvements, walls, fencing, buildings, fire hydrants, utility facilities, parking areas, drainage courses and facilities and landscaping thereon and thereunder, including (subject to the provisions of the Article hereof entitled "Destruction of Improvements") the reconstruction, repair or replacement thereof when necessary or appropriate, the exterior of all Condominium Buildings as further provided in subsection (i) hereinbelow and all other real or personal property acquired by the Association.

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